What is Dua Qunoot? Dua Qunoot (Arabic: القنوت or also known as Dua e Qunoot) is generally being recited during i’tidal or standing during the last rakaat during the Fajr (Dhuha) and Witir (Witr) prayers.The word ‘Qunoot’ derived from the the word “Qanata” which means ‘to stand in prayer with excellence and silence, and to be submissive and humble before Allah SWT‘. Assalamualikum Respected Mufti Saheb, please interpret the following dream for me, I got married few… However the two seem to have been swopped around on this site with regards to their Arabic Rather what is proven from the sahabas r.

Dua-e- Qunoot and Dua-e- Naazilah in Witr Prayer.

Anonymous 29 June at Anonymous 19 June at Hi, I read through the dua-e-qunoot transliteration it seems the there is a word missed in it.